How to Write Product Descriptions?

Ever wonder why a customer lingers on a product page but doesn’t buy?  It’s often because they have unanswered questions and get stuck with “Is this product right for me?”. 

Here’s the catch: most descriptions are flat-out boring.  They list features with no explanation and outline the benefits, leaving customers confused.  

This is your opportunity to shine.  By writing effective product descriptions, you show customers exactly how your product will help them. Good descriptions don’t just inform – they persuade.

Imagine your customer reading your description and saying, “Yes, that’s exactly what I need!”

But how do you write such descriptions? And how often should you update them? 

Hence, we’ll share the ins and outs of how to write product descriptions that sell. You’ll learn techniques to make your products stand out and strategies to keep your descriptions current.

What is a Product Description?

A product description is more than just listing features. It’s a winning sales pitch that convinces potential customers why this product is perfect for them.

Traditionally, descriptions might focus on what a product is made of or its dimensions. But strong descriptions focus on the benefits – how the product will improve the customer’s life.

Take the Dryrobe description in the image, for instance. 

They don’t just say it’s a short sleeve robe. They tell you it lets you get changed outdoors quickly and easily, no matter the weather. That’s the benefit you’re getting – staying warm and dry while being active outdoors.

So, the key to a great description is to focus on the “why” – why this product matters to your target customer.

Why are Product Descriptions Important?

Ever scroll through endless product listings online, unsure exactly what you’re looking at?  Yeah, us, too. That’s where killer product descriptions come in.  

According to a study by eMarketer, a whopping 80% of online shoppers rely on descriptions to make buying decisions. That means strong descriptions can turn lookers into loyal customers.

Here are a few more reasons why descriptions are so important:

  • They’re Your Guide: Imagine a friendly salesperson explaining everything awesome about your product. That’s what a good description does – it clearly explains features and benefits, leaving you in the know.
  • They Help You Decide: No more guessing games! Clear descriptions tell you exactly what you’re getting, avoiding any post-purchase surprises.
  • They Build Trust: Descriptions that mention warranties and shipping details show you’re upfront and honest, making you more likely to snag that sale.
  • They Persuade You: Think about browsing Amazon for something new. Wouldn’t a well-written description make you seriously consider that product?

Forget boring lingo – strong descriptions are clear, concise, and convince you this product is exactly what you need.  They’re not just about features, they’re about showing you how this product will make your life better.

How to Write Product Descriptions

To write effective product descriptions, you need to follow a structured approach. This process starts with understanding your customers and ends with highlighting your product’s key benefits.

 How to Write Product Descriptions

1. Know About Your Audience First

First, learn about your customers. This step is important because knowing your audience helps you tailor your message. Create a buyer persona – a profile of your ideal customer. This profile should include demographics, interests, needs, and goals.

Understanding your customer helps you in several ways:

  1. It determines the tone and language you should use.
  2. It reveals what goals customers want to achieve with your product.
  3. It shows what problems your product can solve for them.
  4. It indicates how customers will likely use your product.
  5. It highlights which features will interest your customers most.

By gathering this information, you can write descriptions that speak directly to your target audience. This targeted approach makes your descriptions more persuasive and effective.

Remember, the goal is not just to describe your product, but to show how it meets your customers’ needs. In the next steps, we’ll explore how to use this customer knowledge to create compelling product descriptions.

2. Customers Love Benefits, Not Features!

When writing product descriptions, focus on benefits rather than features. Customers want to know how your product will improve their lives or solve their problems.

To create an effective description:

  1. Identify each key feature of your product.
  2. For each feature, explain how it benefits the user.
  3. Address any doubts customers might have about the product’s usefulness.

A good example of this approach is Dr. Squatch’s Pine Tar soap description. Instead of listing ingredients, they highlight the experience of using the product:

“Made with real pine extract, this all-star bar is as tough as a freshly cut bat. A true MVP of the shower, this heavy-hitter knocks out grime with its gritty composition and ultra-manly, woodsy scent.”

This description does several things well:

  1. It emphasizes benefits: cleaning power and a masculine scent.
  2. It uses language that appeals to their target audience (men).
  3. It creates a vivid image of the product experience.

When you write your descriptions, consider:

  1. How does your product make customers’ lives better or easier?
  2. What specific problems does it solve?
  3. What experience are you selling beyond the physical product?

3. Avoid Fancy Words. Be Simple!

Using casual language means avoiding fancy words and long sentences. 

Just keep it short and sweet, like you’re chatting with a friend. This makes your descriptions easier to understand and builds a connection with your readers. 

Plus, it opens the door for telling interesting stories about your products.

See this example from Asphalte? 

Short sentences, simple words – it’s a breeze to read, right? Contractions like “don’t” and “it’s” sound more natural than “do not” and “it is.”

Here’s how you can write descriptions like this:

  • Pick words you’d use in everyday talk.
  • Speak in a relaxed, informal way.
  • Keep your sentences short.
  • Talk directly to your readers (you!).
  • Use contractions whenever possible.

By following these tips, you can create product descriptions that grab attention, explain your products clearly, and make your readers feel like they’re getting the inside scoop from a friend.

4. Leave the Common Phrase Behind!

Writing descriptions can be tough when you’re stuck for words. It’s easy to fall back on tired phrases like “high-quality” or “super effective.” But those words are forgettable, and they don’t tell your customers anything special about your product.

Instead, get specific! Be clear and descriptive in your writing. Look at Beardbrand, for instance. 

They don’t just say their “Best Sellers Bundle” is great. They explain exactly why it’s popular, listing the benefits of each product.

There are a few reasons why detailed descriptions are awesome:

  • They make your product seem real. By explaining what your product actually does, you show customers you know your stuff and you’re confident it’s valuable.
  • They help customers imagine using your product. Paint a picture with your words! Let customers see themselves using your product and enjoying the benefits.
  • They build trust. When you talk confidently about the specifics of your product, customers are more likely to believe in your brand.

So, ditch the generic phrases and get detailed. It’ll make your descriptions more interesting, informative, and trustworthy!

5. Play with Sensory Words

Why do some product descriptions leave you yawning, while others make you want to reach through the screen? 

It’s all about sensory words! 

These words tap into our imagination and emotions, letting us experience the product for ourselves. Science even backs this up – sensory details trigger stronger reactions in our brains.

So, how can you use sensory words to boost engagement? Simple! Describe how your product feels in your hand, smells in the air, or tastes on your tongue (if appropriate!).

Take Meow Meow Tweet’s grapefruit mint body soap, for example. 

Their description doesn’t just say it’s “minty.” It talks about the “zestiness” of the grapefruit and the “invigorating” scent of mint. Just reading those words makes you feel refreshed, right?

Here’s the magic of sensory words: they let customers experience your product before they even buy it. They can imagine the smoothness of your lotion, the sizzling sound of your steak on the grill, or the sweetness of your new candy. 

This creates a connection and makes them more likely to want the real thing.

6. Add Humor. Make ‘em Laugh. 

Shopping online can feel like a snoozefest sometimes, right? 

Boring descriptions and the same old marketing tricks. But hey, it doesn’t have to be that way! Humor is a powerful touch in your description.

Let’s see: who doesn’t love a good laugh? A sprinkle of humor can make your descriptions pop and leave a lasting impression on customers. Plus, it shows you have a personality – and who wants to buy from a brand with no sense of humor?

Chubbies is a master of this. Their descriptions are quirky, fun, and guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

Just remember, humor isn’t for everyone. Make sure it fits your brand voice and avoid anything offensive. But if you can pull it off, humor is a surefire way to make your descriptions shine!

7. Become a Storyteller

Facts and figures are important, but they don’t always tug at the heartstrings. That’s where storytelling comes in. Stories are magic little bundles of human connection, and science backs it up – they’re a universal language that grabs our attention and makes us feel something.

So, how can stories help your product descriptions? Here are a few reasons to grab your metaphorical microphone:

  • Make your brand unforgettable. A good story sticks with people. Let yours tell the tale of your brand, its mission, and the values you hold dear.
  • Show you care. Stories can create empathy. Share a situation where your product saves the day, and customers will see you understand their needs.

For instance, Dollar Shave Club really nails this one. They ask questions that paint a picture of everyday problems their razors solve.

To’ak Chocolate takes storytelling a step further. Their descriptions tell the story of the aging process, making the chocolate sound even more delicious!

The beauty of storytelling? Anyone can do it! Find inspiration in your brand’s journey, the reason you created these products, or the challenges you faced along the way.

Tell the story of how your product is made, the values it represents, or the amazing benefits it delivers. By weaving a tale, you’ll create a connection with your customers and make them love your brand even more. So, ditch the dry descriptions and unleash your inner storyteller!

8. Let Your Customers Imagine

Science says touching things in stores makes us want to buy them more. 

But online shoppers can’t hold your product, so how do you create that same feeling? Here’s the secret: fire up their imaginations!

Well, people love to imagine themselves using cool stuff. You plant a seed of desire by describing how your product will make them feel. High-quality photos and videos help, but words can be even more powerful.

Look at Todd Snyder’s spring clothing line. 

Their tagline is “Dreaming of the Amalfi,” and the picture shows a gorgeous Italian coastline. They’re not just selling clothes – they’re selling a feeling of luxury, relaxation, and style.

Here’s how to do it yourself:

Start with “Imagine” and describe how amazing your product will make your customer’s life. Then, turn that into a catchy tagline that reflects your brand’s voice.

For example, let’s say you sell a camera called the “ShutterMaster.” Here’s an imaginary scenario:

Imagine yourself on a mountain peak, the wind whipping through your hair. You hold the ShutterMaster in your hand, capturing breathtaking views with every click. The golden sun sets behind you, painting the scene with magic.

Tagline: ShutterMaster – Capture adventure. Frame memories.

By letting your customers imagine themselves using your product, you create a connection and make them crave that feeling in real life. So, ditch the basic descriptions and paint a picture with your words!

9. Bring in Visual (of course, high-quality!)

A picture’s worth a thousand words, but together they’re golden!

Remember that stat from eMarketer? About 83% of customers need product images! Yeah, descriptions are great, but visuals are king (or queen!).

The best product pages combine both to create an awesome shopping experience. 

Take Ember, for example. Their descriptions talk about features like the temperature app, and they show a picture of the product alongside the app. This lets customers see exactly how it all works together.

Wandering Bear Coffee uses a similar tactic, but with a twist: animations! Their descriptions might explain how to brew perfect coffee at home, and the animation shows it happening step-by-step. 

This can erase any doubts customers might have about how easy it is to use their product.

Parachute takes things a step further. They describe bathrobe sizes and then show pictures of three models of different heights wearing each size. This lets customers visualize how the robe will fit on them.

The key takeaway? Make your descriptions and visuals best friends! They should work together to create a smooth and informative shopping experience for your customers. When words and pictures join forces, magic happens!

10. Make Descriptions Scannable (quickly!)

Shorter is sweeter! 

No one loves to read paragraphs after one-another, would you?

People often skim online content instead of reading every word. So, keep your descriptions short, sweet, and to the point. Here’s how to make them scannable:

  • Bullet points are your best friend. List key features with clear bullets for easy reading.
  • Bold the important stuff. Use bold text to highlight important details or benefits.
  • Keep it concise. Stick to short paragraphs, ideally one or two sentences.

Look at Blume, a body care brand. 

Their clay mask description uses a clear headline and bullet points to showcase the benefits. Simple and scannable, right? They also use subheadings and short paragraphs for deeper details, allowing readers to find specific info quickly.

Another example is PRESS Foods. They highlight allergens in bold for customers with allergies, making it easy for them to find that crucial information.

Following these tips will make your descriptions scannable and user-friendly. Happy customers who can find the information they need quickly are more likely to buy your products!

11. Be Transparent About Your Process

Consumers today care about where their products come from and how they’re made. In fact, over 70% of shoppers are more likely to choose sustainable options!

If your brand prioritizes ethical production, shout it from the rooftops (well, at least your product descriptions). There are a few ways to do this:

  • Link to a dedicated page. Follow Allbirds’ lead and link to a detailed page explaining your practices.
  • Highlight key points directly. Faguo does this perfectly, listing important sustainability aspects right in the description.

By being transparent about your production methods, you show customers you care about the environment and ethical practices. That’s something they’ll appreciate and can even influence their buying decision. 

So, if you’re doing good, don’t be shy – tell your sustainability story!

12. Lastly, Optimize Your Description for SEO

SEO is all about using the right words to help people find your products online. 

Most e-commerce platforms recommend it, and for good reason: keywords are like tiny flags that tell Google what your product pages are about. 

The better Google understands your pages, the higher they’ll rank in search results and the more traffic you’ll get.

So, how do you find the right keywords? 

Here’s a simple trick: type your product name into Google and see what suggestions pop up. 

For example, if you’re selling walking shoes, you might type “walking shoes with” and see options like “good arch support” or “waterproof material.” These are all potential keywords!

There are also tools like Ahrefs and Ubersuggest that can help you research even more keywords, and even see what keywords your competitors are using. Some of these tools are free, so it’s worth checking them out.

Now, How Often Should You Update The Descriptions?

Your product descriptions are like a shop window – they show off what you’ve got to offer. So, it makes sense to keep them updated, especially if your products change or new information comes to light.

Here are some reasons to give your descriptions a refresh:

  • New features? New description! Added some cool features to your product? Update the description to tell everyone! This helps customers understand what your product can do and why it’s awesome.
  • Seasonal switch-up? Update the info! Selling seasonal items? Make sure your descriptions reflect what’s hot right now. Highlight features that are most relevant for that time of year.
  • SEO Optimization! The search engines are always changing. Update your descriptions with the latest keywords to make sure people can find your products easily. 

Here are some other things to keep in mind when updating your descriptions:

  • Accuracy is key! Make sure your descriptions are clear, complete, and up-to-date. Double-check that the info on your website matches what you say elsewhere (social media, emails, etc.).
  • Be clear, not confusing! Avoid technical jargon or anything that might leave customers scratching their heads.
  • Listen and learn from your customers! Pay attention to what your customers are saying in reviews and feedback. Use their insights to improve your descriptions.
  • Stay on trend! Don’t let your descriptions get dusty! Update them regularly to reflect current trends and keep things interesting for potential customers.
  • Improvements deserve a shout-out! Made your product even better? Update the description to highlight those changes! This can boost sales and make customers happy.
  • Catch and fix any mistakes! Typos happen, but don’t let them confuse your customers. Regularly review your descriptions to catch any errors and make sure they accurately represent your products.
  • Answer those burning questions! Are customers asking the same questions about your products over and over? Update your descriptions to address those questions and give customers the info they need upfront.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how often you should update your descriptions. It depends on how your product is doing. But the key takeaway is this: keep your descriptions fresh and informative, and your customers will thank you for it!


Now, you know how to write product descriptions and when you should update them. 

To sum up, the key is understanding your customers. Think about what they want and need. When you know that, you can write descriptions that speak directly to them.

Product descriptions are like first impressions. Avoid technical jargon. Focus on how your product helps real people. Show the benefits, and watch your customers get excited! They’ll be much more likely to buy from you if they can see how your product makes their lives better.

So, grab your keyboard and start writing! 


What makes a great product description?

Your description should be like a salesperson explaining why your product is amazing. Focus on the key features, but explain how those features benefit the customer. Use persuasive language that talks directly to their needs and wants.

How long should a description be?

There’s no magic number, but generally, aim for 150 to 300 words. It should be long enough to cover the important details and benefits but short enough to keep readers engaged, especially on mobile devices. The key is to find a balance between information and readability. More complex or unique products might need a bit more space.

How can I optimize my products for search engines?

Search engines love descriptions that include relevant keywords. These are the words people typically use when searching for products like yours. Do some research to find these keywords, then sprinkle them throughout your description in a natural way.